How to join Algester Little Athletics
As a summer centre, Algester Little Athletics operates from mid-August through to early-March every year, with a 3-4 week break over Christmas. We have approximately 20 competition weeks each season. Our sign on days usually occur in early August each year, so please monitor our Facebook page and website for details about upcoming sign-on dates. We hold our sign-on days at the Centre at Col Bennett Park, although on-line registration is encouraged.
Although it is possible to join our Centre at any time, we do not recommend joining after November. This is because we do not offer a reduction in fees for late memberships, and if your athlete joins too late in the season, they will have missed the bulk of our competition days.
Joining Algester Little Athletics is simple!
Joining our Centre is as easy as attending one of our sign on days at our Clubhouse at Col Bennett Park.​
If you have missed our sign-on days, you can still join by coming to the Centre between 1.30-2pm on one of our Saturday competition days and register in person. To speed up the process, you can fill in the registration form on-line and bring it with you, or email it to us at email it to us at secretaryalac@gmail.com.
Registration fees must be paid at the time of registration. Unfortunately, we do not allow payment by instalments or delayed payments, and fees must have been paid in full before your child is able to participate. Details of our fees are available by clicking on this link.
Alternatively, you can register online via Results HQ by clicking on the link. Payment is via Paypal for online registrations.
If you are new to our Centre, please bring a birth certificate or passport showing your child's date of birth. You only need to bring this once.
Uniform items will be available for purchase from our uniform shop or can be ordered in advance by filling in the uniform order form and emailing it to us. Our uniform shop is open from 1.30-2.30pm on Saturdays.

Please refer to the table at the bottom of the page to find out which age group your child is in for the 2024/25 season:

For new athletes to our Centre, a birth certificate or passport must be sighted by the Registrar at the time of registration, so please bring it with you!