Algester Little Athletics has a number of athlete awards which are handed out during our annual trophy day - please read below for further details:
Centre Captains' Award
The Centre Captains Award will be presented to the athlete who is considered by the Centre Captains to have:
Represented the Centre in accordance with the Little Athletics ethos of family fun and fitness
Participated at Centre events, including fundraising, carnivals, and team events
Been respectful of others, including athletes, officials, coaches and volunteers
Been a happy and considerate member of the Centre
Algester Sports Club Inc. Spirit of Athletics Award
Algester Sports Club Inc. has provided ongoing support to Algester Little Athletics Centre for many years. In recognition of their support, we award a perpetual trophy in their name. The Algester Spirit of Athletics Award will be presented each year to the athlete that shows a consistent and committed involvement and dedication to their athletics journey and our Centre, whilst embracing the Little Athletics ethos. The criterion for selection is below:
Centre competition days
Regional Relays
Regional Championships
LAQ Carnivals
Life Members' Pentathlon
Assists with centre warm up session
Competes in centre uniform each week
Assists with set up / pack up
Attends & assists at training sessions
Encourages others to be their best
Shows respect to other athletes
Shows respect to officials
Shows respect to spectators
Sets goals and strives to achieve them
Participates in all events offered for their age group each week
Respects the rules of competition and fair play
Encourages and congratulates other athletes for their performances
Involved in all Centre activities, including fundraising
Assists at sign on days and events
Attends workshops, such as event clinics, officials workshops and first aid

Keith McGuigan Memorial Award in High Jump
Keith McGuigan (Life Member) was the founding registrar of our Centre, and was here right from the beginning. He was passionate about Little Athletics, especially little athletics at Algester. He was instrumental in developing our system for recognising our most outstanding athletes at Centre Championships, and we still use that system to this day. Keith spent most of his time at high jump and we chose to honour his memory by presenting the Keith McGuigan Memorial Award to the most improved athlete at high jump each season. There is only one award presented each season, and in the event of a tie, a countback procedure will be used to determine the recipient by establishing the highest percentage improvement for the athletes to break the tie. A Memorial Trophy will be retained by the Centre and a replica will be presented to the athlete receiving the award each season.
Dave Tolhopf Memorial Award in Distance Running
Dave Tolhopf (Life Member) was the Centre Coaching Coordinator at the Centre for many years and was acknowledged for his dedication to coaching by being awarded the Frank Knight Memorial Coach of the Year in 2004. His passion for athletes’ wellbeing and improvement through training was recognised through his many years as our Centre Coach. Dave Tolhopf joined Algester Little Athletics Centre with his daughter Carla, who was an exceptional distance runner. In considering how best to recognise Dave’s contribution to our Centre, we have chosen to also recognise the area where his daughter excelled, distance running. To this day, she still retains those best performances.
An award will be made in recognition of Dave’s passion for athletics to recognise improvement in distance track events (400m, 800m and 1500m). Only one award will be presented each season, and in the event of a tie, a countback procedure will be used to determine the recipient by establishing the highest percentage of improvement for the athletes to break the tie. A memorial trophy will be retained by the Centre and a replica will be presented to the athlete being recognised for the achievement during the season.
Algester Summit Award
The Algester Little Athletics Centre Summit Award is presented in a season to an athlete who has been a member from Tiny Tots - U17 continuously (or U6 - U17 continuously). This is a prestigious award and is indicative of an athlete's commitment to both Little Athletics and Algester Little Athletics Centre. A perpetual trophy will remain with the Centre and a replica trophy will be awarded to the athlete.

Algester Little Athletics Centre - Life Members' Pentathlon
The Life Members' Pentathlon is open to Centre athletes only and is be held every season. Athletes will compete In their own age group, boy and girl. Athletes must compete in each of the five (5) events for their age group to be eligible to receive a Life Members Pentathlon Certificate for their age group. Should an athlete not participate in any event during the competition, they will be considered to have withdrawn from the competition, and they will not be allowed to re-enter the competition from that point on. The athlete, boy and girl, in each age group scoring the highest number of points will be presented with a medal as winner for their age group / gender. Medals will also be awarded to second and third place athletes in each age group. The athlete scoring the highest number of points overall will be presented with the Life Members Pentathlon Trophy at our trophy day.
Centre Best Performance (CBP) & Centre Championships Best Performance (CCBP)
Centre Best Performances and Centre Championships Best Performances may be established by registered athletes only. Centre Best Performances may be established at Centre competition, Centre Pentathlon or at Centre Championships. Centre Championships Best Performances may only be established at Centre Championships. Athletes must meet the eligibility criteria in an event at Centre Championships to establish a Centre Championships Best Performance. Certificates will be presented to athletes who establish or equal a Centre Best Performance or Centre Championships Best Performance.
Improvement Awards
Athletes are provided with Season Performance Sheets for their age group during our sign-on day. This recording sheet outlines the criteria for a Centre Improvement Award to be earned and presented. It is the responsibility of the athlete to maintain a record of their performances throughout the season and to submit their Improvement Award sheet for approval. Improvements Awards are earned for improved performances at Centre meetings only. Each week, times and distances should be entered in the appropriate columns of the Performance Results Sheet - copies of the sheets can be obtained from the 'Forms' section of our website.
New Athletes
After the first week of competition, any improvement in any event will count as an improvement. The first result gained in any event, on or after the commencement of the season, will be taken as the starting standard for new athletes.
Returning Athletes
Starting standards will be their best performance set in the preceding season. Athletes should enter these results in the opening PB row of the performance sheet. A change in weight (throws), height (hurdles), method (high jump) means that a new starting standard needs to set by an athlete in that event.
Under 6 - 8's have to achieve a total of ten (10) Improvements comprising the following:
4 improvements in track
2 improvements in jumps
3 improvements in throws
1 other improvement of their choice
Under 9's are required to achieve a total of ten (10) improvements comprising the following:
3 improvements in track
3 improvements in jumps
3 improvements in throws
1 other improvement of their choice
Under 10-17's are required to achieve a total of thirteen (13) improvements comprising the following:
3 improvements in sprints & hurdles
3 improvements in jumps
3 improvements in throws
3 improvements in distance & walks
1 other improvement of their choice
Most Improved Athlete Awards
Athletes accrue points for each improvement in every event at Centre Competition. These improvements are recorded by the Records Officer throughout the season for every athlete. An athlete boy and girl in each age group will be presented with a Most Improved Athlete during the season at Trophy Presentation Day. Should there be a tie in any age group, all athletes tying will be recognised.
Centre Manager's Award
The Centre Manager’s Award is presented to the athlete (boy or girl) who has the most personal bests over the season. An award will be given to the most improved athlete overall for the season. A Memorial Trophy will be retained by the Centre and a replica will be presented to the athlete receiving the award.

Centre Championships
Trophies are presented to Age Champions and Runners Up, and participation trophies are presented to all other athletes who have competed at the Centre Championships. One boy and one girl will be awarded with a trophy for the overall most outstanding athlete at Centre Championships, based on points. Athletes also compete for a perpetual trophy awarded to the athlete recording the most improvements in the season (Centre Manager's award) and the Centre Captains' Trophy is awarded to one athlete for sportsmanship and participation. Most Improvement Medals are also awarded in each age group (boy and girl). These trophies are presented on Trophy Presentation Day.
Most Outstanding Athlete Boy and Girl at Centre Championships
These awards are presented to the athletes who compete at Centre Championships. The athletes
must be eligible to earn points at centre championships, having a minimum 50% attendance. These awards are calculated by the Centre Manager with the Records Officer providing all results for the Centre Championships. The performances are measured against the Centre Best Performance in each event. Criteria is used to calculate the most outstanding athletes at Centre Championships is by McDonalds Awards headings - meaning those events used in the calculation must include:
1 x Sprint/Hurdle
1 x Distance/Walks
1 x Throw
1 x Jumps
U6 - U8 - one additional event
U9 - U10 - two additional events
U11 - U17 - three additional events
Athletes who establish new Centre Championships Best Performances in events will generally perform better against the Centre Best Performances and should be considered in the calculation. They may not necessarily be the Age Champion in an age group.
Encouragement Awards
Athletes are nominated for Encouragement Awards to the Centre Management Committee for consideration. Up to four (4) awards will be presented at Trophy Day each season to those athletes who demonstrate a desire to compete and improve in their age group in all events. This is not an award measured by winning or by the setting of Best Performances. This is an award presented to athletes who TRY to the best of their ability at all times. Athletes being recognised should be acknowledged under a category as the award is presented. These could include (but are not limited to):
Team Work - recognition of participation at Regional & State Relays, particularly where athletes are asked to participate to make up teams
Participation - recognition of their attendance at all centre competitions
Perseverance - demonstrating a 'never give up' attitude
Improvement through Persistence - always trying to improve their performance
State Team Selection
Any athletes from Algester Little Athletics Centre who are selected to represent Queensland in the State team will have their names added to the Honour Board which is displayed at the Centre.