The Algester Little Athletics Centre uniform is compulsory
must be worn to all Centre competition days, carnivals and LAQ events.
Our uniform includes the Algester Little Athletics polo shirt and royal blue shorts. Black, multi-coloured, dark blue or any other coloured shorts are not permitted. Our uniform shop is open during our Centre sign on days and Centre competition days for families to purchase items or try items on for size. Our uniform shop closes at 2.30pm sharp during our weekly competitions.
If you would like to order uniform items in advance, please fill in the uniform order form and email it to secretaryalac@gmail.com. The uniform items can then be collected from the uniform shop.

Algester Little Athletics Polo Shirt (mandatory) - $40.
Youth sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. Adult / older athlete sizes from XS to XXL.
Royal Blue Girls Lycra Shorts - $30.
Youth sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16. Adult / older athlete sizes from XS to XXL.
Royal Blue Girls Impi Brand Lycra Shorts - $40.
Youth sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16. Adult / older athlete sizes from XS to XXL
Royal Blue Unisex Shorts - $25.
Youth sizes 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16. Adult / older athlete sizes from XS to XXL.
Algester Little Athletics bucket hat or cap - $15.
Size S/M or M/L
Algester Little Athletics crop top or singlet - $45.
Adult / older athlete sizes from XS to XXL. Only for U13 and above.
Algester Little Athletics jacket - $70.
Youth sizes 12, 14 and 16. Adult / older athlete sizes from XS to XXL.
Algester Little Athletics supporter shirt - $40.
Adult / older athlete sizes from XS to XXL.

How to attach your patches to your uniform
Please see the diagram of where your Little Athletics patches are to be attached to your uniform